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Can subconscious transformation coaching help with……[insert your own challenge here]?

Subconscious transformation coaching canhelp with such a huge range of challenges that we find ourselves facing inmodern life that it would be impossible to list them all here. It can rangefrom something relatively simple such as a dislike of a certain food, to a fearof something, to a deep-rooted insecurity holding you back from living yourbest life.
Get in touch if you have something specific and we can discuss what might workbest for you.

How much time do I need to commit?

Initially that depends on which package you go for. The actual coaching time starts with 60 minutes, could be 6 weeks if you go for “Find Your Flow”, or 1-2 days for a Deep Dive Discovery experience.

Outside of the coaching sessions, there is no specific commitment as we’ll talk about what might benefit you as we go along. You might find yourself wanting to do more, such as reading books, doing daily meditations and other self-care activities.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! If you’d like to organise a payment plan to spread the cost of a package, get in touch.

What’s the difference between coaching and therapy?

Coaching focuses on your current situation and experiences and provides support to look towards the future.

Therapy is much more of a deep dive into the past, as a means to understanding the current situation.

Coaching and therapy can work well together in some situations.

It all sounds a bit airy-fairy to me, I’m not really into this sort of thing.

Coaching can seem a bit “woo woo” at times and there is talk of hypnosis and meditation. However, you don’t have to be deeply spiritual to benefit from this work.

Subconscious transformation coaching is rooted in science and knowledge about how our minds work. We work with a range of techniques to untap potential and find a way that works for you (and yes, that might include a form of meditation!).

Will it work for me?

Personal development is just that….personal. If you are prepared to show up for yourself, be open to new ideas and thoughts and commit to being present, absolutely anything is possible!

Free guide to self-care

Get my top 10 tips about how to “do” self-care: a practical list of ideas for simple things you can do to help you feel better mentally and physically. Things get better when you get better and taking care of yourself means that you can be the best for you and the people around you. Enjoy!